Friday, March 23, 2012

Get Rid Of Armpit Fat

A frequent complaint among women during the sunny seasons is that unsightly skin that rests between your arm pit and your chest.  While body fat could be the culprit, changing your diet alone won’t always solve this issue.  If you’ve noticed women with implants have very little of this extra tissue.  That’s because increasing the size of your chest by adding muscle or implants (in their case), can fill out that skin.  Doing chest exercises paired with back exercises can help fill out that problem area.

Here Are Our Favorite Exercises For This Problem Area



Dumbbell Row

Lat Pull Down

Although you can’t spot reduce, you can add muscle to fill out extra skin.  Keep up on these exercises especially over the summer months and you will see the improvement in no time!

Taken From Fit Tip Daily .com

I think I'm gona try these out...cause that is one area that drives me NUTS!!